Is there a calendar of upcoming events/protests?

I thought I saw something about upcoming events Feb 28th (something economic) and Mar 15th (total economic boycott?). Looks like the next protest being backed by 50501 is Mar 4th.

Which leads me to wonder if there's a calendar of planned upcoming events or protests. I realize 50501 is decentralized and the people involved don't want to get too far out over their skis, but having a calendar (even a Google or Apple calendar, despite the corporate affiliation) so people could incorporate it into their personal calendar would be helpful. People need to make plans (time off work, travel, babysitting, poster creation, whatever). Having a bit more lead time would be worthwhile. I'm lucky as a retiree with grown kids that I can generally just drop what I'm doing. Most people don't have that freedom. Some events will be online, others IRL.

Bonus points if such a calendar covered multiple organizations' events. I know about Refuse Fascism and Third Act. I'm sure there are others I'm unaware of. A calendar would help coordinate events so these groups don't step on one anothers' toes.