Stainless Steel Nozzle for Dremel 3D45?
Hey all, this seemed like the best place to ask for this, and I'm having a hard time googling for it. As in the title, I'm looking for a Stainless Steel Nozzle for my Dremel 3D45. I bought this one, mistaking it for Stainless Steel, but it's Plated A2 Tool Steel:
And yes, I AM using it for food safe prints, that's why I wanted to get one. From my research, A2 is a Tool Steel, not Stainless, but some places advertise A2 as Stainless, which is at best, confusing, and at worst, false advertising. That is unless I'm mistaken?
In any case, TDLR: I need a genuine Stainless Steel nozzle for my Dremel 3D45. Any good ones you guys can think of?