Everything and Nothing

T-0:0 mins This is my experience of severely underestimating the strength of 2C-B and having an entire night do 180 degrees flip on us. We acquired 6 Orange smiley 2C-B pills that were advertised at 24mg each (we all wrongly assume this is probably not true and that they are closer to 15/20mg) and decide to drop both pills at once in an amazing display of stupidity. We then start to walk to a nearby park and wait for the pills to hit.

T-20 mins I and my mates ‘T’ (my best friend) and ‘M’ start to feel the come up, a rush of energy hit us and all of a sudden we have big stupid grins on our faces. We start to feel tingling sensations in our hands and feet. T is racking lines of Ketamine/Cocaine for our other two friends ‘P’ and ‘D’ who are joining us for part of this trip. T has no issue racking the lines but we both acknowledge that we both feel the effects starting to take place.

T-30 mins We leave thepark to begin walking back to the train station as ‘P’ and ‘D’ say they need to leave soon. I really start to feel the bodyload now and visuals are incredibly intense (8A Geometry) We all notice that the world starts to breathe and morph around us and we are experiencing a euphoric rush feeling (similar to coming up on MDMA). Speech begins to fail us and the only phrase we can think of to describe what we are seeing is ‘everything and nothing at the same time’.

T-35 mins Ms trip is so powerful that he has to sit down on the ground and decides he cant go on walking as he is fearful of throwing up. We check that he is ok and then we leave him behind on a bench. P and D have a train to catch and I have known both of them longer than M, so me and T agree to continue on with the two girls to the train station.

T-40 mins We walk to a familiar park and P is holding on to me for dear life after she had snorted a fair few Calvin Klein lines (mix of cocaine and ketamine) and could barely stand up straight. By this time, it is now pitch black and we take a shortcut through a field but I am tripping so hard I can barely see where I am walking. By chance we make it onto the main street (thanks to T and his composure). We keep walking to the park.

T-50 mins We sit down at a park and T starts to rack more lines of ketamine for P and D (T is very good at preparing lines). At this point I am tripping my face off and just begin waffling utter nonsense and then bursting into uncontrollable laughing fits, T is just tripping so hard and doesn’t even notice the state I was in. we then leave and begin walking to the train station which is 5 minutes away.

T-80 mins Just as our group get to the station, T and I suddenly are ravenous for food and go to Sainsburys with Ds promise that she would buy us food. We then leave Sainsburys with a single chocolate bar which T and I almost tear each other apart over as we are just starving hungry. P and D then catch their train leaving me and T in a city with no money and no plan.

T-90 mins The effects are so overwhelming by now as we have just started to peak… and have no clue where we are, who we are or what we are and are tripping balls the hardest I ever had done in my life up to that point (I have taken shrooms and acid before) and just do not know what is going on. We begin repeating the phrase ‘Everything and nothing’ and I am stuck in a thought loop for 20 mins, attempting to process what my eyes are witnessing. After an hour of unsuccessful attempts to collect our thoughts and ourselves together, we walk to a leisure park to decide what to do as we collectively agree that the 2-CB is just a little too much for us to handle.

T-150 mins We decide to kill the trip and decide to buy cocaine to lessen the effects of the trip, we buy a gram of cocaine (I had thrown up just before we did the cocaine) and begin snorting slug lines.

T-190 mins We finish the cocaine and whilst T and I are still hallucinating strongly the effects of the 2-CB are lessened to a degree, especially with my best friend, but with me I am still heavily tripping balls and hallucinating auditory sounds which make me extremely confused. Me and T wander around and have a chat and a joke and the trip begins to transform form intense and frantic to relaxing and enjoyable (the cocaine makes conversation effortless). This is the highlight of the trip for me.

T-230 mins This last a while and me and T just walk around our city and chat with each other and pointing out our visuals. I then eventually have figure out how to get the train home as I cant crash at his place tonight.

T-260 mins I say my goodbyes and with surprisingly little difficulty I am able to catch the train, still very much tripping, mind you and I make the journey back to my hometown.

T-400 mins I sit in my bed and try and attempt sleep. I quickly realize I wont get it and then spend the rest of the night texting my T until the early hours of the morning.

And that was my second time with 2cb, a substance I will never underestimate again.