It’s time to debate counterplay to Dragonfire Potion (Ice Potion)

Ice Potion

In my opinion, the #1 thing keeping PvMers from the wilderness are pkers being able to be unfrozen. A 20 second unfreeze that you can’t do anything about is just ridiculous, and currently, the only counterplay is to bring your own and run away, a costly expense for the wildy and still isn’t guaranteed. PvPers are used to the concept, but their main argument is that you can use it back, so essentially it insists upon itself.

My suggestion would be to make an ice potion (think ice in a bottle). Each dose would deal 10 damage to yourself (can self kill) and freeze the enemy and prevent unfreezes for the next 5 seconds. Made by using a huasca potion and an ice quartz to make a 4 dose potion.

I think this would give some counterplay to after being unfrozen, but still has drawbacks to make it fair and has room for the PvPer to still come out on top. You have to give up 1 inventory spot to have 4 freezes or 20 seconds of unfreeze immunity. Inventory spaces are obviously valuable, and I think these herbs and secondaries will keep the value of the potion high, making it a risk itself in the wildy.

Keep in mind you have to realize the enemy is unfrozen and click the potion to freeze, so that’s probably 2-3 ticks if you’re average, which lets the PvPer still gain ground on every successful unfreeze. Maybe not a thing in LMS unless people think that it would be healthy for the current meta.
