Ravings of two madmen rule
Two of my friends recently had a funny but also really dumb argument about who would win in soccer and i though you guys would like to read this insanity aswell:
Hec enters the football stadium.
Riley enters the opposite end.
Riley is stunned seeing the entire squad standing behind Hec, supporting him.
Hec is stunned seeing his own family supporting Riley.
Riley now notices in shock Barack Obama also supporting Hec.
Hec is now flabbergasted that Winston Churchill is somehow supporting Riley.
Riley suddenly feels betrayed as he sees Hec's manager, Jesus, come out to support his pupil.
Hec also suddenly feeling betrayed sees God standing behind Riley, supporting him.
Riley sees Satan supporting Hec.
Hec notices the entire half of the audience closest to Riley is every character from One Piece supporting Riley.
A meteor, which is about to hit Earth, sees Hec and fist bumps him before deciding to fly away.
The planet Mars has now come closer to the Earth to show its support for Riley.
Hec claims the stars support him winning the football match.
The stars move in the sky to spell "Riley," showing support for him.
That's when Rick and Morty come through a portal on Hec's side of the court to support him, and Hec makes the first move of the game: he curve-kicks the ball.
Riley kicks his untied shoe off, which hits the ball, stopping it.
Using Hec's energy, the ball now does a tornado action and goes for the other end of the goalpost.
Riley uses his ultimate move: Twitter argument, which moves the goalpost out of the way.
This is when we get a flashback to Hec kicking the ball, showing he actually put in so much spin that he curve-kicked it twice making it move to the new position of the goalpost.
In reaction to that, Riley tries to use time stop.
But Riley is stopped by Hec using Made in Heaven.
In the short instant of time Riley has, he uses Notorious B.I.G., which locks onto the fastest moving object (the ball) and stops it in place.
Hec sees this attempt to stop the ball and dislocates his arm, using it like a whip to make it the fastest moving object that Notorious B.I.G. then locks onto.
Riley then plants his feet into the earth and spins it so hard that it turns 180 degrees, and now the ball is going into Hec's goal.
Hec sees this and plants his feet into the ground as well, spinning the earth alongside Riley so it turns 360 degrees and the goals are in their original place.
Riley anticipated this and, in preparation, asked his friend Superman to fly around the earth in its direction of rotation so it rotates an additional 180 degrees, which means it has spun a total of 540 degrees, meaning the ball is going into Hec's goal.
However, a meteor full of kryptonite happens to hit Superman while he is doing this.
That's when the Ogre from Baki comes out and says to Riley, "Is that really all you can do?" which gives Riley the determination to teleport to the ball and headbutt it back to Hec's side.
This is when we get our second flashback to Hec hitting the ball: when Hec originally hit the ball, he spun it so hard he gave it quantum spin, which made the ball go towards Riley's goal again after the headbutt.
This is when Riley has a flashback to his training with Saitama, which allows him to use "Super Serious Full House Kick" and finally hit a goal!
This is when Hec smirks, revealing that he had snuck into the stadium 24 hours prior and kicked the ball into the goal and placed it back, which means Riley hasn’t won, but they are in a 1/1 draw.
To Hec's horror, Riley doesn't react and says, "48 hours ago, I placed two invisible soccer balls into your goal, which means we still stand at 3/1 to me."
This is when Hec reveals that that was all a part of his plan, as he had also switched the two goals when he snuck into the stadium.
Riley, unconcerned, says that when he made the goalposts in the factory, he switched them out.
Hec, grinning, says that he was the one who mined the ore and chopped the wood for the goalposts, and that he switched them then.
That's when Riley reveals the tree and ore were switched out last second by the traitorous Jesus Christ.
That's when Hec realizes he has been wearing a VR headset and that both he and Riley are standing in the stadium alone at night.
They both run towards the ball as text on screen appears: "FIND OUT WHAT HAPPENS NEXT IN THE NEW SEASON!"